Hollywood beach Oxnard

Hi Class!

Image result for hollywood beach sunset

The last three years that I have attended CSU Channel Islands I have been lucky enough to live by the beach. The beach I have been living by the last three years is a small but beautiful beach call Hollywood beach located in Oxnard. The beach here is known for a lot of marine life activity. I have seen hundreds if not thousands of dolphins just outside of the lineup. The water is normally a little dirty with lots of sand that gets brought up from the ocean floor.  The scope I want to use today is a psychological scope. The other day I was getting home from a long and exhausting day of classes and it was close to sunset time. As I turned onto my street I just saw that the horizon was so bright and orange I knew I had to park in my driveway and run to the sand. After my insanely long day I still felt a rush of excitement that made me feel like a kid again.  For me, in my life the ocean will always be the first priority. Even if Im not gettin into the actual water the psychological response I naturally have is so beneficial to my positive state of mind that without it I fear I would be totally lost, This psychological perspective kind of dovetails into my next scope which is spirituality. I have a strong stance on how the impact of the ocean and beach can increase anyones outlook on spirituality.  When you see the water and truly understand how much power the ocean generates and how small we are compared to it.  Our will is nothing compared to the most powerful element know on this planet. After getting held down by waves my entire life while surfing or even swimming I have learned that I have no control when a big wave comes in and I have to face it head on. I know that trying to fight the the power of the water is useless and that all i can do is let go.  For me when i realized that letting go is all I had to do I started applying letting go things that aren’e positive in my life and maybe you will too!

Thanks so much for reading everyone!



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